Wednesday, January 11, 2023

My Top 5 News Sources

Nowadays there are almost an infinite amount of news sources people can get information from. They can go from highly known mainstream media sources like Fox News or CNN or any lesser-known media outlets. I'd say the main ways people get their information is digitally through their phones, and I fall into that category. Below are my five main sources of news that I go to almost every day. 

Instagram, Youtube,  Fox News, CNN, and Google News are the five main sites or apps that I get most if not all my information from. 

The first and most prominent for me is Instagram. I use this app every single day. While I don't go out and search out news on it, I stumble upon interesting things every now and again. Instagram in and of itself is not a reliable place to get news from, so what I like to do is use it as a springboard into other more reliable sources. If I find something rather interesting I will seek it out amongst scholarly or well-known sources. The main thing I find most appealing about Instagram is the fact that you have no idea what you're going to see when you scroll to the next post. 

Secondly, I use Youtube. I sometimes use it like Instagram and just scroll to see what the hot topics are at the time, but most of the time I see something that interests me and I watch that video. I use it for everything like one should. I use it for political news, film news, music news, gaming news, etc. It's so incredibly diverse in the information that it provides. Again, like Instagram, it's not a wonderful place to find reliable information although it is a much better place to start. At least with videos, you can hear some of the thoughts behind the content provider rather than just a comment or two. 

Growing up in a conservative household I have watched my fair share of Fox News. I've grown fond of dipping my toes into both sides of the political aisle to really try and get a well-rounded point of view on what's going on in the country or the world. While I tend to agree and/or believe in the things being said more over at Fox News, I'm not one to completely shut out all other opinions. Some anchors are arrogant and annoying and some actually seem intelligent and can voice a strong opinion. All in all, I'm not a fan of watching the news but I understand it's important and we all have to at times. 

Now the polar opposite of Fox News, CNN is not one my family and I would tend to turn on in the evenings before dinner. Now as I'm getting more fluid with my news intake, meaning taking in news from many different sources, I'm beginning to really understand why the country is as separated as it is. I turn on both Fox and CNN and I go back and forth and see what different agendas they each are pushing. And I try to really pay attention to the topics they pick to cover and how they cover them, because it's very rare, unless it's breaking news, that both of these networks will cover the same thing each given night. 

Google News is fun, there are so many different sources and topics you can get to from its home base. You can find CNN or Fox News articles right next to each other, and many others. It's the perfect place for someone like me to get their news. It's always going to be bias-free and it never tries to sway me one way or another like all of the individual news sources do. If I were to recommend one of my five sources to someone it would be Google News. 

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