Friday, February 17, 2023

Eight Values of Free Expression

Defending Free Expression: A Toolkit - PEN America

Free expression is one of the most valuable rights we have in the United States. Having the power to voice our own opinions toward those in high-ranking government positions is huge when it comes to keeping our governmental system as corruption-free as possible. That in and of itself is almost impossible, politicians always have a personal agenda no matter what they say or what party they're in. We as a people, MUST be vigilant and be sure to always keep the politicians who represent us on their toes. 

Having said that, I feel the most important values of expression are to Check on Governmental Power and Protect Dissent. They both serve as shields from Government overreach and give the American people the tools and the freedom to criticize, and judge their elected officials, and make changes if need be. 

Check on Governmental Power value is the one that resonates with me the most personally. I'm a big movie and show watcher, and anything involving government corruption intrigues me. Every time I watch them it makes me wonder how corrupt our government actually is at any given time. The scary thing is we will never truly know unless we're part of it.

It seems like as time goes on, the true motivation for more and more politicians is to get re-elected and stay in power. The Check on Governmental Power value combats that motivation. Additionally, some journalists around the country feel the need to try and get cozy with the government and/or news sources to peddle whatever they say. Vincent Blasi, in his article The Checking Value in First Amendment Theory, mentions that the Checking Value helps people crack down on false stories and get to the truth.

 Media Law & Literacy: WEEK 3, Pt. 1: Eight Values of Free Expression

I feel as though Protect Dissent is one that occurs the most in the world today. When watching networks like CNN or Fox News, you always see people that are criticizing the government in some way. It's the job of those networks to criticize the government and provide their viewers with as accurate news as possible. The same goes for everyday people as well. Everyone has their own opinions, agreements, and disagreements with the government. 

I, and I'm sure every other U.S. citizen, wants a government in which we have a say and we can change it in a multitude of ways through the first amendment. Especially with the use of the eight values of free expression. Since there are always people questioning the government and showing concern, there are changes that occur due to those people speaking out. The ways that these people speak out can be as harmless as the use of Twitter or in the form of protests, peaceful or in some cases, violent. 

In conclusion, the use of the eight values of expression and the first amendment is crucial for sustaining the free and democratic lifestyle we have grown to love so much. But we must not get too greedy because when we do, we take for granted the lives we have and the politicians can turn their backs on us and follow the money.

Teaching and Learning About Governmental Checks and Balances and the Trump  Administration - The New York Times

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